


Surviving 2 months.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

I've survived 2 months.
2 months of them gone.
For 2 months my babies have been in Heaven.

It's sinking in that less than 3 months I would have been holding my 3 babies,
 small, healthy, tiny premies... but with the best odds.
Every hope. Every dream. Gone.

I only had 19 weeks with them. 
I can't remember how they felt like inside me. 
I wish I had enjoyed every moment of pregnancy,
                                     instead I spent those 19 weeks scared. 
Scared of exactly what happened.
I was robbed of my pregnancy, something we wanted so bad.
My excitement and joy was always blended with terror and anxiety. 

I'm so angry.

2 months later... I can tell you it's not 
any easier. 
There are more good days than bad days, 
but the bad are BAD. 
They sneak up and sometimes I can't catch my breath.
Sometimes the pain can last only a few minutes other times it can last a few hours,
 and then other times you're stuck in the cycle for a couple of days
 eventually you make it down the hill.

I have Hope. Always.
Sometimes I ask "why" why God did you put me through the weeks of hell...hell on my body... hell on my emotions, only to take them anyway.... I have found comfort in knowing, I gave up weeks of my life; weeks of my dignity to meet them as beautiful as they were.

We were Blessed to have met them, 
and to have held them.



  1. This made me cry, because I feel the exact same way. I'm going on six weeks in a few days and in some ways it's worse because the numbing is gone and it's just raw emotion. Emotion that the pregnancy is truly over, that they are gone. I keep hearing it gets easier. I hope it does for us. Lots of love and hugs to you.

    1. Thank you so much for reading, I hope it helped to comfort you just little.
      Your exactly right... the numbness is GONE... it's real now.
      I also hope it gets easier... it hasn't over the past 2 months. It's been a very random ride of ups and down. Confusing. I'm looking forward to the days were there are more good than bad. The past few weeks I have not been that lucky.
