


Be your own hero...

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Should be my new motto.

If words like cervix, transvaginal, uterus bother you- turn back now!

Who knew this journey would have so many medical terms and obstacles along the way...
This post is to educate and explain your options if you are a woman who may be in the same situation. 

Incompetent Cerivx, IC, weak cervix  etc... this is something that does not get enough exposure but nearly 1 in 100 pregnancies are lost each year due to some sort of IC. It's not commonly tested for, and I only know if this because I had a dear friend who lost a baby girl 3 years ago and if it happened to her, why couldn’t it happen to me? This was always in the forefront of my mind and that is what caused me to really monitor my body and say something when I did.

"Incompetent cervix is not routinely checked for during pregnancy and therefore is not usually diagnosed until after a second or third trimester miscarriage has occurred. Women can be evaluated before pregnancy, or in early pregnancy by ultrasound, if they have any of the factors that are potential causes of incompetent cervix. Diagnosis can be made by your physician though a pelvic exam or by an ultrasound. The ultrasound would be used to measure the cervical opening or the length of the cervix."
Because of there is lack of proactivity, woman have to suffer loss after loss before a solution is put in place.

Some Doctors encourage you to "just wait and see"
How many women would be ok with, "Lets wait and see if your body will hold your baby, or if it will go into labor too early to save your child"

If you're reading this chances are you have heard our story. 
According to the many conversations I've had with Drs I had preterm labor secondary to Incompetent cervix with Jax, Stella and Beck that ultimately sent me into preterm labor. My body was unable to hold the growing bodies of my babies, I started to dilate and thankfully I followed my instincts had my Dr check everything at 16 weeks. 
I saw the worry on his face and he sent me straight to the hospital where he preform an emergency cerclage(TVC) with only 1.5mm of cervix remaining to work with. (That's not a lot. At.all.)
By the time we realized all that was happening it was really too late... but we did all that we could do at that time. 

I can't begin to tell you how long those 2 hours felt, the fear, panic. 
I was sewn closed. 
He said I was my own hero that day. 
I stayed in the hospital a few days while they pumped me full of antibiotics and 
monitored how it was holding.

2 weeks later I funneled down to the stitch Jax's head was down, 
 "knocking at heavens doors". 
(I'm allowed some dark humor) 

This is worst case scenario at only 19 weeks. 
This is why multiples are so rare and so high risk.
Through everything I've researched and women I've talked to ...You can almost guarantee your going to have cervical complications carrying multiples. Preterm delivery is extremely common, your body thinks your further along than you are... but I had a few things working against me. 

All of this worth every second I had with them. They lit a fire in me and I'm determined to do everything I can to change the outcome for their siblings.

     I'd like to ask for prayers.
Prayers for a clear mind while we make a decision that can alter our family's future forever.

 we face a difficult, but life changing decision. 

We can use the TVC (transvaginal cerclage) -again- (technically)I don't think it failed me, but  I truly dd not have it long enough to find out and with a TVC you are on bed rest. However with a TAC (transadominal cerclage) they are placed much higher and it's *almost* impossible to funnel past the band or rupture membranes. This virtually guarantees I will make it full term, although anything can happen. 

I feel like I have no control over anything, but this is something I can do.

It's like a broken record in my head 'Could I have done more'...but now armed with knowledge, I can do more. They did not die in vain and I will do everything I can for them even though they are gone.

I need guidance on which to go with,
I've survived I'm surviving the loss of my first 3 babies- I can not do it again whether 1 2 or 3 again. 

Here is why the decision is more complicated than it seems- the TAC (transadominal) is a surgery. They cut you open like a csection, go around abdominal muscles and place the band at the highest point of your cervix. Once it is placed it's permanent. &You must have a c-section delivery. 
All terrifying for many reason.
But the possibility of losing another child is unbearable.

Did I mention there's only about 10 surgeons in the US that preform this procedure... leading surgeons are- #1 Dr.Haney in Chicago, #2 Dr. Davis in Tennessee. Neither are close to me. I could follow the trend- travel to Chicago and have the best surgeon place, but I located 2 highly recommended Drs in DFW. I meet with one tomorrow and the other Monday Aug. 17th.
I spoke directly with Dr. Haney and he is confident the TAC is the way to go, yes there are risk, there are always risk, but I am weighing my options.

 This decision is life changing and ultimately child saving. 

TVC is less invasion and successful around 80% of the time. They are removable and you can deliver naturally. This is what I had placed, and it held, but I funneled which is a concern- as the baby grows it presses on that stitch and it can possibly rip causing damage, or you may funnel past the stitch a that will cause premature rupture of membranes and preterm birth.

I hope if you are reading this you realize you have options. 
Trust your doctors, but ultimately you have to be willing to save yourself
Fight for what you want and search until you've found someone that will support you.

I have no idea what I plan to do at this point. I'm praying for clarity and comfort. I've had a lot of anxiety over this decision ever since I found out I have choices. When you read the facts- it's a pretty clear choice, TAC.

When Jax Stella and Beck were born so much blood was lost no one thought I would survive... facing a c-section scares me, and possible complications from the TAC and recovery, and so on. 

Our journey isn't easy, but it will be worth it.
Jax Stella and Beck's lives were not in vain they will save all their future siblings.
I only wish I could ave saved them. I promise I will not let them down. 

I plan on sharing this journey as well...
My procedure my recovery... and I hope beautiful things come from this.

All because of Jax Stella and Beck. They lit a fire in me no one can put out. 


  1. Praying for you. That is such a hard decision. Having children should not involve such hard, gut-wrenching options that create so much anxiety. Praying you have clarity and reach a decision that you know is the absolute right decision.

    1. Michelle, Thank you so so much.

    2. Hello Samone. I found your blog today doing some online research regarding TVC and TAC. My husband and i just lost our beautiful baby boy on Wed 3/13/19 after water ruptured due to baby being down to the TVC that was placed on 3/4. I was advised infection was present as well. I was 19 weeks +5. I prayed for just more time to get to viability but when my water broke i knew what was ahead. While this is very fresh for us, and we’re trusting God in our healing, we’re so adamant about getting questions answered. I will meet with my doctor next week to start discussion. But I’m trying to line up other highly recommended doctors that performs not just the TVC but the TAC. My baby did not die in vain. I haven’t left the bed and we’re both so devastated but reading your blog has me in tears. You and your husband give me hope. Your beautiful 3 angels and now you have your blessing of 3 rainbow babies. God is amazing! I’m affirming a rainbow baby in God’s timing for us. I feel it all through me. Thank you for being a light and sharing your story. God led me to your story. Is there a way to discuss further with you via email? To know who you recommend in Dallas for the TAC? I am in Dallas TX and do see names of a few but wanted to ask a mother who has experienced and walked the walk, if that makes sense. I pray you see my message and respond. My email isblesseddiva26@gmail.com
