


Showing posts with label infant loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label infant loss. Show all posts

Country roads.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I live in beautiful East Texas, near the famous first monday trade days most days out here it is quite, peaceful and sunny. When I leave the house I sometimes bring my camera with me. Sometimes I leave with a purpose other times it's just to leave the house, think to myself, listen to music, relax. Many times I will be driving down these country roads, look to my right, and see the most beautiful landscape. The light will be just right, shining through branches reflecting off of a leaf or a flower. Sunlight shining through the clouds over a huge pasture of green grass. 
An old barn patched up with rusty colorful tin.

These are the roads I drive down every day and if I just take the time to look around, I will see  
a perfect picture made just for me, and In these moments you realize there is so much more to life. Slowing down, be still, breathe, it's beautiful. You realize quickly how insignificant material things are... Your brain won't allow social media to consume your mind and shut of your thoughts.
Nothing matters but the people around you, living, and being happy.

Sometimes you don't have to go looking for inspiration and hope, just wait and it will come to you.
•The most random things can be beautiful•

Keep moving forward.
As always -thank you thank you thank you- for your support.
Somedays I need it more than others, but it's ALWAYS an encouragement.

"I may have lost but I will gain again in time. 
In the darkest hours of night I remember my bravery.
When my eyes are blinded by tears I remember my beauty.
I am tougher than I think."


TRIPLETS, High Order multiples STATS

Monday, June 1, 2015

Most people do not know or understand the risk involved with twins, triplets and other high order multiples...  It's not all rainbows and butterflies. The families you see on TV are the RARE except to the rules... they are not the rule. They may have had access to extremely technologically advanced facilities, or doctors that have done this a million times. 
Even with all that on your side... failure could be just right around the corner.

Even a singleton pregnancy has many risk. 
Lets multiply those risk x3.
Having major risk makes you look at others peoples pregnancies with a different view. You will never appreciate your perfectly healthy pregnancy-Until the unthinkable happens to you, you will never see how lucky you are. Your morning sickness you complain about is nothing. Your back pains are nothing. Your headaches, your extra weight, how huge you are... all your complaints are nothing. Keep in mind all the woman who can not get pregnant, struggling to get pregnant or can not stay pregnant next time you decide to complain about one of your petty problems.
When your 40 weeks pregnant complaining you want the baby out...
Instead be grateful.

{back to multiples}

Be prepared. 
The entire time I had a "feeling" this was too good to be true. 
{some think we were crazy to be having triplets,
 It wasn't chosen... it was given to us.}
 I tried so hard to be excited and stay positive. I really did not want to purchase anything until after 26 weeks (even then they babies would face many weeks in the NICU and struggle .. but they had a chance). I was very stand offish when I would talk about "what we needed". I tried not to buy too much stuff, tried not to talk to much about how excited we were. Everything was going well, growing, I was healthy, strong heartbeats...I had no reason to be worried... until the past month. My body started to fail me.
When you carry multiples you grow much faster, meaning there is more weight pressing down much earlier than a singleton pregnancy.    

My feeling was right and devastation is an understatement. 


Although there are many joys for these families, far less well know are the higher risks for the mothers and babies. Prematurity and low birth weight are the main reason for increased mortality and disability for these children. 
Sadly, much of these pregnancies involve losing one or all babies, or caring for one or more children with cerebral palsy and other health and developmental problems.  


Preterm Birth

Preterm labor and birth pose the greatest risk to a multiple pregnancy. Sixty percent of multiples are born prematurely (<37 weeks) compared to about 10% of singleton pregnancies. Feasibility of a vaginal delivery depends on the size, position, and health of the infants, as well as the size and shape of the mother’s pelvic bones. Cesarean section is often needed for twin pregnancies and is expected for delivery of triplets.

The chance of preterm delivery at 24 to 32 weeks is about one per cent in singleton pregnancies, five per cent in twins, 20 per cent in triplets and 10 per cent in triplets reduced to twins.

"Selective" REDUCTION:

Lets talk abut the fact you are asked to basically abort some of your babies. You are encourage out of the best interest for yourself and your pregnancy to reduce down to either singleton or twins.
I refused, and absolutely have no regrets. It was all or nothing...
In the management of multifetal pregnancies there are three options: 
  • Continuing with the whole pregnancy 
  • Termination of the whole pregnancy 
  • Embryo reduction to twins

Maternal Complications:
  • postpartum hemorrhage
  • preeclampsia 
  • HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets) syndrome
  • intraventricular hemorrhage
  •  The perinatal mortality was 41 per 1000. (Death few weeks before or after birth)
I was shocked by that number...


This is only a small glimpse of what we deal with, what we face and what we agree to when we embark on such an emotional journey.
{There is lifelong heart break and lifelong suffering which is so often underestimated or forgotten by professionals and the public.}

I don't know why we were chosen for this pain and others are not. 
That is the one question I keep asking. Some woman can have 2,3,4,5,6 babies, ok even 8- at one time. Why could I not carry mine?
I should stop asking because I'll never know... and what benefit would it be to me if I did get my answer. 
I can not change what has already happen.  
-and that is the key.


They Live in me

Friday, May 29, 2015

*Mind Blown*

I recently learned that Fetal cells can remain in mothers for years or decades after birth.
In fact, As far as we know these cell will multiply and divide for many decades, 
perhaps even forever!  
This is Called Microchimerism-
This occurs during pregnancy when cells from a fetus pass through the placenta 
and establish cell families within the mother.

Whoa. Pretty powerful.

A baby photo may melt your heart, but far more significant, in some cases these fetal cells have shown to improve health for moms and repair the blood.
 Studies have shown fetal cells can actually flock to the site of stroke damage. 


Read for yourself the facts and a beautiful story:


Today I really needed to find a sign.
I'd say I think I did!

{"You live on in them, and they live on in you"}

My buddies from beginning till the end. 

So every single "type" of mother...
Let us all be comforted by the fact
They are literally a part of you, swimming around inside of you.


Their Memorial- May 9th, 2015

Friday, May 22, 2015

May 9th.

It hit me, that I needed to have a photographer capture this memory. I am a firm believer in,
 "you only regret the photos you don't take"
I wanted to remember what a beautiful day it was, our family and friends being there to support us, and THEM.

Sometimes I feel like a small part of my life is missing, like it never existed. 
That is terrifying. 

It doesn't seem real, like this could have happened. Maybe it is my mind blocking out the horrible thing that has happen to protect me mentally... but I know they were real, they were beautiful and worth everything. I would absolutely do it all over again, and again. Even if I get them for little awhile- I got them! I always want them to exist as much as they can without actually being here. 

{They are always my babies.}

My Favorite moment.
My mom suggested we do a butterfly release. 

On the wings of the tiniest earth angels,
may the spirit of those that we mourn today be remembered
and may this be the start of healing for all.


A beautiful gift of their first bibles. 2 blue, 1 pink of course!

Surrounded by love and support

Thank you Sidney *Green couch photography*

It's OK to be bitter, angry and disappointed. {VENT}

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Just a public disclaimer: these sayings/quotes...  
DO NOT work in every situation, They do NOT apply to every life event. 

Sayings that I now HATE: 
{Everything happens for a reason. }
{It's worth the wait. }
{If it's meant to be it will find a way. }
{Good things fall apart so better things can fall together.}
{There's a bigger plan.}

Drumroll please: {I'm sorry for your loss}

No. Not everything happens for a reason, why would I want something good to fall apart... What could be better than the greatest thing that's ever happened to you... A bigger plan? Because triplets can't be that BIG of a deal. 

{LOSS? Last I checked I was having 3 babies... then I lost 3 babies!}

Keeping a good attitude is is obviously important and some will make you believe it's the best way to make through day to day- but sometimes you just can't. You hate everyone, no one understand and you feel like having a pity party- and it's OK. Not everyday has to be perfect. You don't have to be strong, you don't have to put on your fake smile and your fake laugh. 
{We only do that to make other people happy and feel more comfortable.}

I'm not perfect, my life isn't perfect, I'm not going to be in the perfect mood everyday, but I try to be respectful to anyone I see or talk to. Just know sometimes it takes more of an effort than you know. When you ask how are you doing, and I say fine... Good... OK...

What would your reaction be if I said I'm angry, sad, im not OK.
You'd probably be uncomfortable and confused and not know what to say next... 

I have memories of this life that I feel never existed... 
AND So if your curious 
that's how I am doing... 

Somedays are better than others.


Can you feel a broken heart?

This other morning I woke up with some uncomfortable chest pains. 

{trying not to be dramatic}

but I thought i was having a heart attack. Everything that has been going on and with how our lives are playing out recently, 
I wouldn’t be surprised if I was having more medical issues.

I told myself maybe you need to eat better and more often, I’m not really hungry, and when I do eat it’s not healthy like I usually try to stick to.  
Maybe I need to get active, drink more water?

I thought some more… maybe thats pain from a broken heart.

Maybe God is waking me up, telling me to go. Go do something, stay active, busy, keep yourself healthy- a light it coming.

I did not felt the pains again …

He is near:

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.


Our greatest gifts

Monday, May 18, 2015

      Many friends and family know Starting April 20th, I was put on bed rest for weeks praying for our babies to hold on 4 more months. 
    On May 2nd, 
    We found out just how difficult it is to carry 3 babies. I was checked back into the hospital Friday, May 1st. Early Saturday morning, May 2nd, I went into early labor. 
    {our story has a lot of details that no one will really understand}
       We became parents to the most beautiful angels I could have ever pictured. Their tiny bodies so young, but perfectly formed you could see each ones features special and who they took after. We find comfort in getting to stare at their faces memorizing every line, curve, and wrinkle. 
    Jax was born first, the most excited to see us I suppose. Jordan held him for over an hour While the Dr tried to save the other two, but I was too unstable and at 8:30 Stella was born followed by Beck. Im so proud of what we made and no one will ever take them away from us. 
      From 5am- 9am Jordan stood by as we lost all our babies, Then had to sit and watch as I fought regain consciousness, through unstable vitals, and loss of blood. I underwent a blood transfusion, 6 bags of blood later God brought me through and amazingly my blood count increased over the next 24 hours. My husband is the strongest most incredible man I know. 
    Most people will never know this pain, and some know it too well. I am convinced that this sort of suffering is reserved for Gods strongest people the ones he knows will become stronger... Better.
      Our Dr tried everything he had access to help get them here healthy. For that we are forever thankful and know we have no regrets or "what ifs", which is a gift in itself...

The pain is suffocating. &It seems like a cruel joke this happened a week prior to Mother's Day, we don't understand why, but we have faith... Eventually... That we will feel hope and joy again. We already have new smiles knowing we have our very own Angels.

May 9th, 2015

Today we bring them home to spend forever with us. We will be surrounded with close friends and family as we lay them under a huge oak tree on our property. The outpour of support and prayers has been incredible and without we could not have made it through this devastating week.

"A moment in my arms forever in our hearts" 

Mom and Dad


I will continue to share my struggles, updates, and encouragements...