


Showing posts with label multiples. Show all posts
Showing posts with label multiples. Show all posts

Angels among us

Monday, August 17, 2015

This is just a little thank you, because I'll never be able to adequately show the amount of appreciation and gratitude I have for the many people who have reached out. (and continue)
Without you I'm not sure if I would be here.

"Some of my best friends I have never met in person. I know them only through Facebook, But that's ok- Friendship is not about touching the hand of another but rather it is touching their heart and should."

I am lucky enough to be surround by people of all ages, all walks of life that have sat with me, cried with me and talked with.  Have invited me to lunch, who've cooked & brought it to us.
Thank you. To the angels that sent cards and flowers, and to those who just kept us in their prayers.
Thank you. To those who are facing their own loss and found the strength to reach out... Thank you.
I joke I am getting so spoiled by this love... I may not recover.

The gifts given in their memory are my most favorite possessions
Every single one of them I will keep forever. 

Recently, The most incredible woman sent me a personalized gift (there were actually several bundled together).

The amount of time spent making this is absolutely unbelievable. I'm just, I'm speechless, I'm at a loss of words for what she has done for me, for what everyone has done. The most beautiful part- this lovely lady is not a friend that I talk to every day, we don't text, we don't call each other or hang out on the weekends, our paths crossed in high school and we have managed to stay in touch; Mostly by Facebook. But she is a woman who knows... she is one of the most creative and cutest women I have the pleasure of knowing. That is what makes this even more special to me.

She also has 2 young boys of her own that she took time away from to focus on me and mine, and created something just so personalized, and thought out. I was speechless. For weeks she would send me pictures teasing me daily of this beautiful project she was working on.

When I finally received it and held it in my hands I just didn't know what to do first. Tears flowed as I opened the box to everything Jax, Stella, and Beck- More happy tears than sad ones this time! I was overwhelmed. The pictures she has been sending over the past few weeks were a shadow compared to the final product. She did not let me down, she gave me hope, happiness, validation all at once.

I could spent hours reading and focusing the beautiful embellishments and verses. I love that she used some of my favorite quotes and added ones she knew would be appreciated.
In it I received a journaling bible that she has so beautifully started, a note pad for recording and remembering passages, inspiring notes, a handmade mug... it's a box full of art.

I don't need to speak her name because like she said,
"Let them bless you without giving recognition, because Jesus will give them recognition in Heaven and fill their crown with jewels!"

I show you these photos so you can share in the hope and healing I've gained from this. 
All of this giving has shown me that even the smallest gesture can have a HUGE impact... 
at a time when it's needed most.


"Sometimes there are stormy moments in your life when your friends do more than just walk with you; they become angels that carry you and protect you with their wings."

Be your own hero...

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Should be my new motto.

If words like cervix, transvaginal, uterus bother you- turn back now!

Who knew this journey would have so many medical terms and obstacles along the way...
This post is to educate and explain your options if you are a woman who may be in the same situation. 

Incompetent Cerivx, IC, weak cervix  etc... this is something that does not get enough exposure but nearly 1 in 100 pregnancies are lost each year due to some sort of IC. It's not commonly tested for, and I only know if this because I had a dear friend who lost a baby girl 3 years ago and if it happened to her, why couldn’t it happen to me? This was always in the forefront of my mind and that is what caused me to really monitor my body and say something when I did.

"Incompetent cervix is not routinely checked for during pregnancy and therefore is not usually diagnosed until after a second or third trimester miscarriage has occurred. Women can be evaluated before pregnancy, or in early pregnancy by ultrasound, if they have any of the factors that are potential causes of incompetent cervix. Diagnosis can be made by your physician though a pelvic exam or by an ultrasound. The ultrasound would be used to measure the cervical opening or the length of the cervix."
Because of there is lack of proactivity, woman have to suffer loss after loss before a solution is put in place.

Some Doctors encourage you to "just wait and see"
How many women would be ok with, "Lets wait and see if your body will hold your baby, or if it will go into labor too early to save your child"

If you're reading this chances are you have heard our story. 
According to the many conversations I've had with Drs I had preterm labor secondary to Incompetent cervix with Jax, Stella and Beck that ultimately sent me into preterm labor. My body was unable to hold the growing bodies of my babies, I started to dilate and thankfully I followed my instincts had my Dr check everything at 16 weeks. 
I saw the worry on his face and he sent me straight to the hospital where he preform an emergency cerclage(TVC) with only 1.5mm of cervix remaining to work with. (That's not a lot. At.all.)
By the time we realized all that was happening it was really too late... but we did all that we could do at that time. 

I can't begin to tell you how long those 2 hours felt, the fear, panic. 
I was sewn closed. 
He said I was my own hero that day. 
I stayed in the hospital a few days while they pumped me full of antibiotics and 
monitored how it was holding.

2 weeks later I funneled down to the stitch Jax's head was down, 
 "knocking at heavens doors". 
(I'm allowed some dark humor) 

This is worst case scenario at only 19 weeks. 
This is why multiples are so rare and so high risk.
Through everything I've researched and women I've talked to ...You can almost guarantee your going to have cervical complications carrying multiples. Preterm delivery is extremely common, your body thinks your further along than you are... but I had a few things working against me. 

All of this worth every second I had with them. They lit a fire in me and I'm determined to do everything I can to change the outcome for their siblings.

     I'd like to ask for prayers.
Prayers for a clear mind while we make a decision that can alter our family's future forever.

 we face a difficult, but life changing decision. 

We can use the TVC (transvaginal cerclage) -again- (technically)I don't think it failed me, but  I truly dd not have it long enough to find out and with a TVC you are on bed rest. However with a TAC (transadominal cerclage) they are placed much higher and it's *almost* impossible to funnel past the band or rupture membranes. This virtually guarantees I will make it full term, although anything can happen. 

I feel like I have no control over anything, but this is something I can do.

It's like a broken record in my head 'Could I have done more'...but now armed with knowledge, I can do more. They did not die in vain and I will do everything I can for them even though they are gone.

I need guidance on which to go with,
I've survived I'm surviving the loss of my first 3 babies- I can not do it again whether 1 2 or 3 again. 

Here is why the decision is more complicated than it seems- the TAC (transadominal) is a surgery. They cut you open like a csection, go around abdominal muscles and place the band at the highest point of your cervix. Once it is placed it's permanent. &You must have a c-section delivery. 
All terrifying for many reason.
But the possibility of losing another child is unbearable.

Did I mention there's only about 10 surgeons in the US that preform this procedure... leading surgeons are- #1 Dr.Haney in Chicago, #2 Dr. Davis in Tennessee. Neither are close to me. I could follow the trend- travel to Chicago and have the best surgeon place, but I located 2 highly recommended Drs in DFW. I meet with one tomorrow and the other Monday Aug. 17th.
I spoke directly with Dr. Haney and he is confident the TAC is the way to go, yes there are risk, there are always risk, but I am weighing my options.

 This decision is life changing and ultimately child saving. 

TVC is less invasion and successful around 80% of the time. They are removable and you can deliver naturally. This is what I had placed, and it held, but I funneled which is a concern- as the baby grows it presses on that stitch and it can possibly rip causing damage, or you may funnel past the stitch a that will cause premature rupture of membranes and preterm birth.

I hope if you are reading this you realize you have options. 
Trust your doctors, but ultimately you have to be willing to save yourself
Fight for what you want and search until you've found someone that will support you.

I have no idea what I plan to do at this point. I'm praying for clarity and comfort. I've had a lot of anxiety over this decision ever since I found out I have choices. When you read the facts- it's a pretty clear choice, TAC.

When Jax Stella and Beck were born so much blood was lost no one thought I would survive... facing a c-section scares me, and possible complications from the TAC and recovery, and so on. 

Our journey isn't easy, but it will be worth it.
Jax Stella and Beck's lives were not in vain they will save all their future siblings.
I only wish I could ave saved them. I promise I will not let them down. 

I plan on sharing this journey as well...
My procedure my recovery... and I hope beautiful things come from this.

All because of Jax Stella and Beck. They lit a fire in me no one can put out. 

Held Your Whole Life

Monday, July 20, 2015

I received my Held your Whole Life keepsakes in the mail today.
They were so quick to make and send them out and 
I love the extra touch of the 3 peas in a pod. 

"We exist to give recognition to the babies born in silence when the world wants to say they were not babies since they did not breathe air. We hope that by gifting a keepsake necklace or keychain with your beautiful baby's name on it, you will know that your child counted. We hope that you will find comfort and healing through those of us who have survived, and share your baby’s beautiful name so that we may remember them.

~Asher’s Mommy
Held Your Whole Life, Inc. is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization"

Having these items helps us to share we hold more in our hearts than you can see.

Jordan's Keychain
My Necklace

I did not have anything with their birthstone so
I made sure to select that as my charm choice.
They added the 3 peas when they found out it was triplets.
Great touch.

They open their form once a month to families wanting a keepsake. 
please share this information with other families you think may benefit.
-they have Facebook and a website-

are critical for them to continue offering this for free.

All they ask is for families to pay the shipping.

"If you would like to sponsor a Held Your Whole Life piece for another grieving mother, you may do so for a $8 donation per piece. A $40 donation will help us give 5 mother's this small gift to hold close to their heart."

Please consider a donation. 

1 in 4 pregnancies end in loss

& If you are holding a perfectly healthy baby in your arms you are
luckier than you know.
& If you have carried a healthy baby to term you are more
blessed than millions of moms.

Despite their colds and and occasional unfavorable health situations
you still have your child. 

Hold them tight, because you do not know when you may have your last hug.

A Letter to my husband

Sunday, June 21, 2015

"A Father is not defined by the number of children you see,
 but the amount of love that he holds in his heart" 

To My Grieving husband on Father's Day,

     It seems the worst things happen to the best people. You are the most incredible, kind, giving, selfless person I’ve ever met, how I got so lucky I’ll never know. Watching you go through this is heartbreaking. 

{You are STRONG. You are a ROCK. You are a MAN. You are MINE.}

Thank you for being strong enough to cry and share your emotions and fears. Thank you for trusting me with your heart, I treasure it. 

 Thank you for working without complaining, even when you are having a bad day and need time to yourself. You've somehow manage to provide more than enough support for both of us, and allowed me to grieve on my own time. I don’t know what I did to deserve you. 

Thank you for putting up with my moods, selfishness, emotions... I know that I am not always easy to deal with. I am emotional, especially this past month. I can be selfish, demanding and angry. You let it all the roll off your back and just hug me. 

{You are an example of what a man IS and should be.}

                                                                                                                     Jordan Holding Jax, our first born.

Aside from giving me my greatest gift, Our Triplets, you've given me my second greatest gift- the freedom to do what I love, whatever that might be. You support us so I can figure out what my passion is. You refuse to let me settle. No more working late nights, dealing with stress and fixing other peoples mistakes...
 You've given me the chance to find MY  calling and go for it.   

You believe in me more than I believe in myself.

-Your Wife-

Happy Fathers Day.
You are the most deserving father.

For better, for worse and the unimaginable.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Our lives, marriage, and relationship is changed forever after the loss of our children.

My love for Jordan has grown in a way I can't even comprehend. 

Our journey has shown me traits in him that were there all along I was just too selfish to see. During our multiple stays in the hospital I was able to see just how much love and care he has for me. 

When I was in too much pain to ask for help or trying to be brave and in denial of what was happening he called for help, and made them contact our doctors. 
When I was suffering, the pain too much to bare, he was my voice screaming for pain medication to help me.

When I was lying there hooked up to blood, during my transfusions, vitals all over the place-  as soon as the bag would be empty, before the machine would beep to alert the nurse, he was already out there making sure they had more ready. 

{I got to witness how much he loves me, how well he can take of me, 
how hard he would fight for me.}

My life, my love will never be the same.
Our love is rare, it is special, and is unique. Some think they may have this kind of magic... but when you can feel it in times like this it's an extraordinary feeling. The feeling never really goes away once you experience it. I can't imagine living life without him. 
There is no one else I would want to go through this with. 

{He is so gentle and sensitive to my moods and feelings. 
Always concerned about me and my happiness.}

I only hope he knows I would have done the same for him.
Instead of being torn apart we have been brought together. 
Jax, Stella, and Beck changed us and TIED
 us together in ways like never before...
We are happy, optimistic and more in love than I could have ever thought possible.
Our babies came into our lives and left it far more satisfied. 
They are our light.


What is Strength?

Thursday, June 18, 2015

How are you so strong?

I don't feel strong. I don't feel brave. 
I feel sad, weak, confused, bitter, angry.
I struggle getting out of bed, I struggle leaving the house, I struggle being around people

It's not a matter of being strong or looking strong- it's a matter of survival. 
You don't move on, you don't let go, you don't recover from this. You survive it, or maybe you learn to cope. I am no expert, but it seems you learn to survive this life in your own way because everything has changed.

I've lost 3 times over. 3 babies at once. 
Each of them would have had their 
own accomplishment and goals, 
I've lost all of it. 3 of everything.

You want so badly to live life the same day by day because you can't imagine moving on- you can imagine life not working out the way you thought it was...

You feel stuck in this rhythm of what you think is still going to happen, eventually you realize that has all changed and you now how to figure out where to go from there. 

So when you tell me I am brave or strong- you are so kind. And it does give me the nudge I might have needed in that moment, and the thought that I maybe I'm doing this right... That maybe I am strong and brave!

Truth is...

When I smile, laugh,  relax, do something for myself- it's all I can do to survive, that's what i am doing, surviving. In between my struggles day to day- I try to find the smiles, laughter and light.


Country roads.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I live in beautiful East Texas, near the famous first monday trade days most days out here it is quite, peaceful and sunny. When I leave the house I sometimes bring my camera with me. Sometimes I leave with a purpose other times it's just to leave the house, think to myself, listen to music, relax. Many times I will be driving down these country roads, look to my right, and see the most beautiful landscape. The light will be just right, shining through branches reflecting off of a leaf or a flower. Sunlight shining through the clouds over a huge pasture of green grass. 
An old barn patched up with rusty colorful tin.

These are the roads I drive down every day and if I just take the time to look around, I will see  
a perfect picture made just for me, and In these moments you realize there is so much more to life. Slowing down, be still, breathe, it's beautiful. You realize quickly how insignificant material things are... Your brain won't allow social media to consume your mind and shut of your thoughts.
Nothing matters but the people around you, living, and being happy.

Sometimes you don't have to go looking for inspiration and hope, just wait and it will come to you.
•The most random things can be beautiful•

Keep moving forward.
As always -thank you thank you thank you- for your support.
Somedays I need it more than others, but it's ALWAYS an encouragement.

"I may have lost but I will gain again in time. 
In the darkest hours of night I remember my bravery.
When my eyes are blinded by tears I remember my beauty.
I am tougher than I think."


One month...

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Month 1 of the rest of my life without them.

I heard that you never 
:get over the loss: or :move on:
 -you learn how to survive it.
How am I? Surviving!

I am still hoping I am going to wake up...

The past 4 days have been shockingly rough... 
Last Tuesday we were back from vacation and I was in good spirits- 
motivated, smiling, optimistic- it all went down hill from there...
the rest of the week I was tired, sluggish, uninterested in anything. My follow up appt. was approaching and I think I was dreading the possibility of resurfaced feelings- 
that were already still so fresh, 
and to be back there seemed unreal.


I had my follow up with my doctor on Monday (yesterday). The pain of walking into that office, no longer pregnant, and there for a very different reason triggered tears, disappointment, anger and worry. I was having anxiety the day and night before...I was stuck replaying the slide show of the past 5 months over and over. I wondered what would we discuss, how would we interact, would it be awkward, or comfortable.

It's similar to the night before their memorial. The build up was worst than the actual day. The gash you've tried to seal up gets ripped open-and you have to start over. You prepared for the worse. Your feelings, crying in front of people (which can quickly make them uncomfortable and confused on how to help). I me not knowing how to respond to the typical- I'm sorry-.

During the visit my Doctor, who I feel is more of a friend than my doctor, talked about them, talked about the birth, what I remember and what I don't, he mentioned it being a small miricale I went into shock when I did. An event like that is something you won't want to have to remember. We talked about how I was doing,
 Jordan and I's relationship. 
(Statistics are sadly high for divorce after loss of a child)  
and then we got to talk about our future plans. 
Of course tears flowed a few times and but it turned out to be a relief, and very comforting. There are fears and questions, but there is hope. 

After the appt. I went to lunch with my mom, who attended the appt with me, it made this day a lot better than it could have turned out! It's been good to have the company of others to distract, comfort and share laughter. 
People that understand. That feel what you feel. 
Some days I just can't leave the house, but the times I do I mostly enjoy myself. I get overwhelmed quickly and easily triggered, but you can't allow yourself to get stuck in your comfort zone. If I allow myself too much time alone thinking... I start to spiral into sadness and what-ifs.

 I love my story. As much as I feel defeated some days, devastated... like I can't go on- I am proud of this life. I might not have my perfect ending, but this is only one chapter in my book. Probably my favorite chapter, and I would never rewrite it or delete it.
 I love them and they are mine. 
Always a part of me.

I decorated Jax, Stella and Beck's grave.
I am so grateful to have them close by.

I drove to Dallas to take care of plans for a future dedication to my babies.
It went perfectly and I am SO looking forward to the next step in healing.

Yesterday was surprisingly OK and so was today. 
I am currently content. 


TRIPLETS, High Order multiples STATS

Monday, June 1, 2015

Most people do not know or understand the risk involved with twins, triplets and other high order multiples...  It's not all rainbows and butterflies. The families you see on TV are the RARE except to the rules... they are not the rule. They may have had access to extremely technologically advanced facilities, or doctors that have done this a million times. 
Even with all that on your side... failure could be just right around the corner.

Even a singleton pregnancy has many risk. 
Lets multiply those risk x3.
Having major risk makes you look at others peoples pregnancies with a different view. You will never appreciate your perfectly healthy pregnancy-Until the unthinkable happens to you, you will never see how lucky you are. Your morning sickness you complain about is nothing. Your back pains are nothing. Your headaches, your extra weight, how huge you are... all your complaints are nothing. Keep in mind all the woman who can not get pregnant, struggling to get pregnant or can not stay pregnant next time you decide to complain about one of your petty problems.
When your 40 weeks pregnant complaining you want the baby out...
Instead be grateful.

{back to multiples}

Be prepared. 
The entire time I had a "feeling" this was too good to be true. 
{some think we were crazy to be having triplets,
 It wasn't chosen... it was given to us.}
 I tried so hard to be excited and stay positive. I really did not want to purchase anything until after 26 weeks (even then they babies would face many weeks in the NICU and struggle .. but they had a chance). I was very stand offish when I would talk about "what we needed". I tried not to buy too much stuff, tried not to talk to much about how excited we were. Everything was going well, growing, I was healthy, strong heartbeats...I had no reason to be worried... until the past month. My body started to fail me.
When you carry multiples you grow much faster, meaning there is more weight pressing down much earlier than a singleton pregnancy.    

My feeling was right and devastation is an understatement. 


Although there are many joys for these families, far less well know are the higher risks for the mothers and babies. Prematurity and low birth weight are the main reason for increased mortality and disability for these children. 
Sadly, much of these pregnancies involve losing one or all babies, or caring for one or more children with cerebral palsy and other health and developmental problems.  


Preterm Birth

Preterm labor and birth pose the greatest risk to a multiple pregnancy. Sixty percent of multiples are born prematurely (<37 weeks) compared to about 10% of singleton pregnancies. Feasibility of a vaginal delivery depends on the size, position, and health of the infants, as well as the size and shape of the mother’s pelvic bones. Cesarean section is often needed for twin pregnancies and is expected for delivery of triplets.

The chance of preterm delivery at 24 to 32 weeks is about one per cent in singleton pregnancies, five per cent in twins, 20 per cent in triplets and 10 per cent in triplets reduced to twins.

"Selective" REDUCTION:

Lets talk abut the fact you are asked to basically abort some of your babies. You are encourage out of the best interest for yourself and your pregnancy to reduce down to either singleton or twins.
I refused, and absolutely have no regrets. It was all or nothing...
In the management of multifetal pregnancies there are three options: 
  • Continuing with the whole pregnancy 
  • Termination of the whole pregnancy 
  • Embryo reduction to twins

Maternal Complications:
  • postpartum hemorrhage
  • preeclampsia 
  • HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets) syndrome
  • intraventricular hemorrhage
  •  The perinatal mortality was 41 per 1000. (Death few weeks before or after birth)
I was shocked by that number...


This is only a small glimpse of what we deal with, what we face and what we agree to when we embark on such an emotional journey.
{There is lifelong heart break and lifelong suffering which is so often underestimated or forgotten by professionals and the public.}

I don't know why we were chosen for this pain and others are not. 
That is the one question I keep asking. Some woman can have 2,3,4,5,6 babies, ok even 8- at one time. Why could I not carry mine?
I should stop asking because I'll never know... and what benefit would it be to me if I did get my answer. 
I can not change what has already happen.  
-and that is the key.


Back from vacation, & Today is a good day

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

This is our first day back from a weekend get-away with our {great} friends to 
Perdido Key , FL.
It's was beautiful, relaxing, and refreshing

It’s also the first day I haven’t laid in bed until 1pm -
 { except vacation… no one would allow that! }
Only thinking about what I could be doing or what needs to be done. 
Today the pain isn’t so paralyzing.
 The days seem to be getting slightly easier, not better, but brighter.
I still cry at least once a day, I'm not moving on... just becoming more optimistic.

 I am starting to enjoy this new chapter of being a “Stay at Home Wife”, 
or what my husband calls… "Trophy-wifein’.

I think about them, Jax Stella and Beck, everyday and that has not changed and I never want it to. Their lives are apart of our love story. They will be apart of their future brothers or sisters story… they will never be forgotten and will always be apart of this family, 
They just get to live far away in the clouds. 

I am starting to enjoy cooking again. I look forward to making dinner, and trying new ideas. I am doing laundry and dishes 
{which is a miracle and I know Jordan is THRILLED}

I am hoping this is an upward trend, and my motivation doesn't run dry.
Maybe tomorrow I will start going to Yoga again.

Today is a good day.
